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Pod Recap – Big Stick Energy – E13 – Who is Katie Burrell?

Adam Jaber January 11, 2022 256 5

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Tori and Renee bringing serious Big Stick Energy into the new year. Full speed into 2022 with phenomenal guest, and once-in-a-generation leisure outdoor athlete, Katie Burrell. Besides being the social media queen of satire who is Katie Burrell? Well, you’ve tuned in to the right podcast recap for this episode, aptly titled, “Who is Katie Burrell?”. And don’t worry the gorls get to know the gorl behind the gorl putting out some of the best content on the interwebs these days. Now let’s get into it!


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If you’re not already following her go follow @katieburrelltv for a taste of what this lady is putting out into the universe and blessing us all with. Honestly, she sounds like she was a huge inspiration for Tori and Renee. Katie puts out content that is relatable not just for women but for everyone. You don’t have to instantly be sick at everything. You don’t have to be the hot girl. People don’t have to take everything so seriously. There’s no right mold. She speaks from her personal experience and it connects, dead on bullseye. Women and men can find it easier to laugh at themselves because Katie so effortlessly can laugh at herself. Whether its on a mtn bike, skis, or behind a heavy pour of white wine. As toxic as social media can be she openly shares and invites viewers into a space where you can say ok, so it’s not just me!

BUT, who the heck is she? That’s harder to nail down because she wears so many hats. Very cool, very stylish hats. Actor, comedian, film producer, screenwriter, public speaker, influencer, sponsored athlete. No one puts Katie in a corner. But honestly, she’s just her. She’s creative and constantly evolving. It many cases in the outdoor space she’s often just a mirror, reflecting back honest truth through a comedic lens. And at the end of the day getting a laugh still drives her on some level. But it can be hard. Where do you draw the line on social media when it becomes both an extension of who you are and what you do? Katie says she sometimes finds herself being more of the character she has created and can find it difficult always having to be on.

And how did she get here? She credits her own intuition and very honestly admits she’s just miserable at doing things she hates. So when opportunities came to take a leap of faith she jumped with both feet. Admitting at times it was definitely more of a freefall. But on the Success of her short film ‘Dream Job‘ came other opportunities. And brands like Arcteryx took chances and she delivered in a funny and honest way that is uniquely her. It snowballed from there, and has even lead to a feature film in the works this season, filming in Tahoe.

By the end of the sode the gorls are pretty much besties but share real talk about gender and sexism in the ski industry. No groundbreaking earth-shattering news. The industry is still steeped in male privilege and missing the point when it comes to gear and representation. But Katie speaks from her experience that anger isn’t necessarily the answer because people just tune out. That’s rooted in her comedy because it can shed light on issues in a non-threatening way, and hopefully, more brands will learn it’s better to be in on the joke than the butt of the joke and we can all continue to help shift things forward. Tune in now for the full convo and don’t let to leave a review, and keep an eye out for more from Katie Burrell, she’s definitely got Big Stick Energy, and plenty more to come from her in the future!

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