
Care Less, Do More.

Care Less, Do More. – E5 – Adrian Ballinger

Joe DeBlasio December 6, 2022

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Care Less, Do More. – E5 – Adrian Ballinger 

Adrian Ballinger is a big mountain climber and skier, a certified mountain guide, and professional speaker. Adrian is the only American to have made three successful ski descents of 8,000 m peaks, including the first ski descents of Makalu and Manaslu from their summits. He is also the fourth American to have summited both Mount Everest and K2 without the use of supplemental oxygen. We dive into what drives him, the why behind climbing big mountains and what actually happens to your body and mind when you are climbing the world’s tallest mountain without supplemental oxygen. He is an amazing conversationalist and incredibly knowledgeable about big mountain climbing.

Where did I get the name Care Less, Do More? It’s a thought that I have often meaning care less about what people think of you, about the noise, about the chirping on social media and just do more. Get outside, put your phones down and do more. 

Arcteryx – No matter how you try to pronounce it, Arcteryx means excellence. Born in and for the Coast Mountains of BC, their apparel was truly built to test all conditions the outdoors can throw at you. It’s this Mountain Effect that has produced some of the toughest most versatile apparel for your next outdoor expedition.

Peak Skis – If you thought there were enough skis already on the market you were wrong. There’s room for new skis on the block when they bring something new to offer and that’s what Peak Skis are doing. Bode Miller incorporates 30 years of design acumen into designing skis with the knowledge that great skis aren’t tough to ski on, great skis are fun to ski on!

Follow our host & show: 

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Twitter: @MyshellParker

Tiktok: @MyshellParker



Instagram: @adrianballinger


Alpenglow Expeditions:

K2 Breathtaking film on youtube:

Everest No Filter on youtube:

TGR on HBO Kygryzstan:

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